Sunday 24 March 2019


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Only 3500/- Rs

Thursday 12 January 2017

IMC Rose Water

Wonder of Nature

Rose water has natural anti-septic, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It is also filled with various Vitamins.

  • Regular use of rose water can help prevent wrinkles, tighten pores and add a wonderful glow to the skin.
  • It helps fight acne, dermatitis and eczema.
  • Rose water hydrates, revitalizes and moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth.
  • It also helps to heal sunburn, scars, cuts and wounds.
  • Maintains the pH balance of the skin.
  • Provides cooling effects to the skin.
  • It is a brilliant skin toner as it tones the skin.
  • It helps removing dirt, makeup and oil from the skin.
  • Anti-oxidants properties help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.
Direction to use : Soak cotton in rose water. Clean the face gently and get soft and glowing skin.

IMC Herbal Lip Glow Cream

Herbal Lip Glow is designed to protect and moisturize the lips. Lips are particularly vulnerable because it's skin is so thin and thus they are often the first to show the signs of dryness. IMC Herbal Lip Glow is 100% natural, packed with antioxidant, rich in vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Almonds, Tulsi, Tea-Tree Oil and Chamomile which helps to keep your lips rejuvenated, smooth, soft, light and glossy. The primary purpose of Lip Glow is to provide an exclusive layer on the lip surface to seal moisture in the lips and protect them from external exposure. Herbal Lip Glow is the perfect solution for dry, chapped and dark lips. 

It hydrates your lips and gives them a shining texture.

IMC Herbal Face Pack

Enriched With Aloe Vera- Neem- Chandan

Prevents pimples, patches, fine lines, and red spots. Renews the growth of the skin cells. Rejuvenates the skin. Removes dead and dull skin. Protects the skin from infections. Regular use improves skin texture and complexion. Restores the lost shine and glow of skin. Makes the skin fair, soft and smooth.

Directions to Use: Apply herbal face pack after cleansing your face. Leave it to dry completely. Now using your finger tips, massage in circular motion and wipe away the pack.

IMC Herbal Aloe Gel

Enriched with Aloe Vera, Turmeric and Kesar

Aloe Vera skin care gel is the world's best natural anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti-viral, anti- inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-wrinkle, anti-septic, anti-allergic and anti-biotic gel.

Aloe Vera contains over 200 nutritional substances like minerals, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. Aloe Vera is a natural skin care formula. It repairs dead skin and provides nutritional benefits to the skin. It easily penetrates into the skin and keeps the skin glowing and young.

  • Protects the skin from harmful UV rays.
  • Reduces hyper pigmentation makes the skin beautiful, fair, glowing, soft and supple.
  • Works as a protective shield against dust, chemicals, pollution etc.
  • Prevents wrinkles, pimples, blemishes, stretch marks, nappy rashes and brown or black patches.
  • Daily application in the morning, afternoon and at night heals bed sores.
  • Applying on baby's diaper area prevents rashes.
  • Provides instant relief from joint pain by massaging on the affected area.
  • Protects from diseases like skin bursts, sunburn and harmful effects of pollution.
  • Relieves eczema, psoriasis, allergy, itching and infection.
  • Applying on cuts, burns cracked and scars helps to heal quickly.
  • Moisturizes dry and dull skin.
  • Massaging with Aloe Gel on the roots of the hair, opens the pores, which helps in growth and thickness of hair, also prevents dandruff, hair greying and hair loss, makes hair long, thick, shiny and beautiful.
  • Helps to remove spectacle marks from nose.
Directions to use : Daily after bath and before going to bed, massage gently on face and body.

IMC Herbal Aloe Facial Kit

It has 8 types of herbal pack : 
  • Herbal Face Nikhar
  • Herbal Face Pack
  • Herbal Face Scrub
  • Herbal Massage Cream
  • Herbal Aloe Gel
  • Herbal Saundaryam Oil
  • Herbal Lip Glow
  • Herbal Face Cleanser
Face is the most attractive and exposed part of our body which gets affected by the harmful U.V. rays, sun rays, pollution and seasonal change. This is the only part of our body which has maximum nutritional deficiency. With age our skin starts getting dry, rough and dull. Facial works as an anti-ageing process which keeps the face fresh, young and fair. It removes the dead cells, dead skin and maintains the fresh layer of the skin. The skin needs to be accelerated; facial makes the skin softer, younger and flexible. Removes wrinkles, pimples, spots, dirt and harmful toxins from the skin. It improves the blood circulation and melanin (which is related to skin color ). With the use of this facial kit every week the skin becomes healthier, fairer, brighter, glowing and wrinkle free.

IMC Face Mask

Enriched with Aloe Vera Gel
No Chemicals- No Allergies- No Side Effects
For Beautiful and Young Skin

To cure the harmful effects of constant contact with sunlight and pollution resulting in weak skin, burning sensation on face and headache. Cold Face Mask with cold therapy helps to prevent skin related problems. Using face mask for 10-15 minutes reduces facial irritation, dark circles and wrinkles. You can use it after returning from office, playing or after long working hours. You must include it in your daily routine. You will experience, coolness in the skin and relieves tiredness, headache and fever when used on fore head for 10-15 minutes.

How to use ?
  • Use twice daily. Not to be used by children below 2 years of age.
  • Before facial, wash face with skin herbal toner and then wear hot face mask for 10-15 minutes. It opens up pores and removes dead skin. After Herbal facial apply cool face mask for 10-15 minutes. This will tighten your skin.
  • In case of using face mask at high temperature, cover your face with thin towel.
Note : Keep inside the refrigerator to cool or keep inside microwave oven or in hot water to warm.